DIVISION OF LABOUR: WHO DIVIDES WHO? Electroacoustic piece for voice, mixed media, field recordings, 2020.
CATS and the Other Lives upcoming adventure game trailer, Music & Sound Design, 2020 -
Klank.ist Ensemble audio-visual performance and album launch excerpt, SALT Beyoglu, 29.11.19
STYGIAN: Reign of the Old Ones video game gameplay video, September 2019
Klank.ist Impro dance-music performance, Abud Efendi Konagi Istanbul, May 2019
Karakulak Ensemble impro performance, BILGI University New Music Fest, COOP Istanbul, April 2016
NECROPOLIS trailer, interdisciplinary project, Sound Design, 2020
Klank.ist Ensemble improvisation performance, Dystopia Sound Art Festival, MIAM Gallery, 2019.
STYGIAN: Reign of the Old Ones video game Launch Trailer, Music& Sound Design, September 2019
DUN (Home) excerpts from the dance movie, Music&Sound Design, 2018
MR.MANTIS concert performance, Byzantion Fest #4, Peyote Istanbul, 2015
WORTH IT/Buna Deger short movie, Original Soundtrack and Sound Design, 2014